Data Preprocessing: (recursiveRouteChoice.data_processing)
file for processing matrices after they have been loaded from file, or generate by hand/ other means.
Currently just for processing angles
- class recursiveRouteChoice.data_processing.AngleProcessor
- classmethod get_left_turn_categorical_matrix(turn_angle_mat, left_turn_thresh=None, u_turn_thresh=None)
Assumes that angles are between -pi and pi
- classmethod get_neutral_turn_categorical_matrix(turn_angle_mat, side_turn_thresh=None)
We assume that all zero angles are absent arcs, genuine zero angles should be encoded as near zero nonzero - i.e. 0.01 or as 2* Pi = 6.28 = 0 # IF this is not the case it should be handled otherwise first
- Parameters:
turn_angle_mat –
side_turn_thresh – left or right turn threshold, assumed to be symmetric
u_turn_thresh – u turn threshold angle in radians
- classmethod get_right_turn_categorical_matrix(turn_angle_mat, right_turn_thresh=None, u_turn_thresh=None)
Assumes that angles are between -pi and pi
- classmethod get_turn_categorical_matrices(turn_angles_cts, incidence_mat=None, u_turn_thresh=None, left_turn_thresh=None)
- classmethod get_u_turn_categorical_matrix(turn_angle_mat, u_turn_thresh=None)
Assumes that angles are between -pi and pi
- classmethod to_radians(angle_turn_mat)
- recursiveRouteChoice.data_processing.get_incorrect_tien_turn_matrices(turn_angle_mat, left_turn_thresh=-0.5235987755833333, u_turn_thresh=3.089232775941667)
A function to generate the turn matrices equivalently tien mai code for comparison purposes, note that this is logically incorrect though. Deliberately copies confusing logic since it is trying to be consistent. Computes turn angles correctly in a convoluted way. Skips computing leftTurn since this is overridden to be an incidence matrix