3. A Simple Example
Do the network from the fosgerau paper?
The example presented demonstrates the reverse order to a typical use case. Here we simulate observations, picking arbitrary parameters and then estimate parameters from those observations. This is nice for a simple example since then we don’t need an external data source.
3.1. Prediction
First we illustrate how to simulate observations on a trivial network, with the arbitrary parameter weight for the single network attribute; distance being \(\beta=-0.4\).
import numpy as np
from recursiveRouteChoice import RecursiveLogitModelPrediction, ModelDataStruct
# A trivial network
distances = np.array(
[[0, 5, 0, 4],
[0, 0, 6, 0],
[0, 6, 0, 5],
[4, 0, 0, 0]])
incidence_mat = (distances > 0).astype(int)
network_attribute_list = [distances]
network_struct = ModelDataStruct(network_attribute_list, incidence_mat,
model = RecursiveLogitModelPrediction(network_struct, initial_beta=[-0.4], mu=1)
obs_indices = [0, 3]
dest_indices = [1, 2]
obs_per_pair = 15
print(f"Generating {obs_per_pair * len(obs_indices) * len(dest_indices)} obs total")
obs = model.generate_observations(origin_indices=obs_indices, dest_indices=dest_indices,
num_obs_per_pair=obs_per_pair, iter_cap=2000, rng_seed=1)
The code is hopefully rather self explanatory. We supply the input data and incidence matrix to the
which provides a generic interface for the model to access network
attributes through. To predict, we initialise the model, supplying the value for \(\beta\).
Finally, we simulate trips between the provided arcs on the network, with repetition.
3.2. Estimation
Now we follow on from the above example, reusing the same network, and assume that we are trying to
estimate the parameter \(\beta\) from obs
as generated above.
from recursiveRouteChoice import RecursiveLogitModelEstimation, optimisers # noqa #402
optimiser = optimisers.ScipyOptimiser(method='bfgs')
model = RecursiveLogitModelEstimation(network_struct, observations_record=obs,
initial_beta=[-5], mu=1,
beta = model.solve_for_optimal_beta(verbose=False)
print("Optimal beta determined was", beta)
The estimation code is also very simple. We declare the optimiser class to use, supply it to the model, with some initial guess for \(\beta\) and then solve, which hopefully will converge.